6.3. Submission of Quasi-Definitive Data
An observatory sends quasi-definitive data to its assigned GIN via email or web upload. The best way to do this is to use the IAGA-2002 data format. INTERMAGNET encourages observatories to send quasi-definitive data as soon as possible. Quasi-definitive data should be sent within 3 months after their acquisition.
6.3.1. Update Frequencies and Formats for Preliminary Data
Typical update frequencies are updates on a daily or monthly basis. For the formats, please refer to Section 6.2.1.
6.3.2. Submission via WEB Service
Please refer to the description for preliminary data in Section 6.2.3.
6.3.3. Submission via Email
Please refer to the description for preliminary data in Section 6.2.4.
6.3.4. How to Check if Your Data Has Been Received
Please refer to the description for preliminary data in Section 6.2.7 .
6.3.5. References
Please refer to the following references for more information on creating Quasi-Definitive Data.
What is the BGS method for creating Quasi-Definitive Data:
What is the IPGP method for creating Quasi-Definitive Data:
Matzka, J., 2013. Preparation of Quasi-Defintive (QD) data for the observatories Narsarsuaq, Qeqertarsuaq, and Tristan da Cunha. Boletin ROA, No. 03/13, pp 50 - 53.