8.1. Application

Any observatory wishing to become a member of the INTERMAGNET network is invited to submit an application to the INTERMAGNET Operations Committee along with a minimum of twelve months of one-minute definitive data. The Committee will assess an application against the data quality standards as described in this manual (Chapter 2 and Chapter 3) before granting INTERMAGNET membership.

Observatories submitting an application should note that a condition of acceptance is that the observatory agrees to comply with the INTERMAGNET Observatory Participation Policy as described below.

Applications forms are available on the INTERMAGNET web site and forms should be sent to the IMO Applications and Standards Subcommittee chair:

Chris Turbitt
c/o British Geological Survey
The Lyell Centre
Research Avenue South
Edinburgh EH14 4AP
United Kingdom
TEL: 44-131-667-1000
FAX: 44-131-667-1877

It is not a prerequisite of INTERMAGNET membership that an observatory makes one-second recordings nor is it currently a prerequisite that one-second recordings meet the INTERMAGNET One-second Definitive Data Standard in order to be transmitted to INTERMAGNET. Please contact the IMO Applications and Standards Subcommittee chair for further information.

The IMO Applications and Standards Subcommittee chair can also be contacted at any stage of the application process for further information on the application form, data transmission or for assistance in producing the data files listed on the application form.