4.10. References

Jankowski, J. and Sucksdorff, C. 1996. Manual on Magnetic Measurements and Observatory Practice, International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Boulder, Co., 235 p.

Newitt, L.R., Barton, C.E., and Bitterly, J. 1996. Guide for Magnetic Repeat Station Surveys, International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomie, Boulder, Co., 112 p.

Stuart, W.F.(ed.) 1984. Geomagnetic observatory and survey practice; reprinted from Geophysical Surveys, Vol. 6, nos. 3/4; D. Reidel, Dordrecht/Boston, 464 p.

Wienert, K.A. 1970. Notes on geomagnetic observatory and survey practice; UNESCO, Paris, 217 p.